The Latest

MSBA Alums and Identical Twins Team Up at Home Depot
Both senior analysts at home improvement retailers’ headquarters in Atlanta
MSBA student Emily Teng catches up with identical twins Ashish and Rohan Ranshinge, both 2019 alums and now senior analysts at Home Depot headquarters in Atlanta.

Food and Ag Immersion: Balancing Work and an MBA
‘Why did I wait so long to do this?’
Sacramento Part-Time MBA student Brie Hunt on what it’s like to balance a full-time job in the agriculture industry and pursuing a graduate business degree.

Top 3 Tips for Data Analytics Job Interviews
“Employers are looking for soft skills such as strong analytical storytelling”
MSBA student Lizzy Yi recaps the program's recent analytics job interview preparation panel with company recruiters and MSBA staff.

Seeking Asylum: Fleeing a War-torn Country and Immigrating to the U.S.
My journey to the UC Davis Bay Area Part-Time MBA
Ali Khaleed Ali shares his journey from Iraq to the U.S., working many jobs, attending Stanford University and now about to graduate from the Bay Area MBA program.

24 Hours in My Life as a Full-Time MBA
Living a balanced life and enjoying all the little sips
A coffee connoisseur, MBA student and ambassador Tarun Chinniah keeps a meticulous schedule—with plenty of java breaks.

“Dot-Connector”: An MBA Recruiter in the Classroom
Attracting top talent for Genentech, Tesla, Salesforce
First-year Bay Area Part-Time MBA student Layne Austin peels the curtain back on her dual MBA experience and her career as a recruiter.

3 Ways To Celebrate Black History Month at Your Workplace
Recognizing Black History Month in 2021
Online MBA student Leilani Alvarez says the workplace can be a great environment to recognize Black History Month and celebrate the many significant contributions of African Americans.

Q&A: MSBA Alum Optimizing Machine Learning at Amazon
Teddy Wang MSBA 20 shares his path to one of the world’s biggest companies
MSBA student Chanel Diggs peppers alumnus Yao-Ting (Teddy) Wang about his prior experience, the benefits of a business analytics degree and his work at Amazon.

Actuary to Analytics: My Road to UC Davis
Adapting to the rise of the data-driven economy
With her actuarial career in the rear-view mirror, MSBA student Lizzy Yi set a course toward one of today’s hottest fields.

5 New Year's Resolutions to Enhance My Grad School Experience
Setting goals for better health and better results in the classroom
MSBA student William Ma shares five ways he seeks to improve himself in 2021 and beyond to meet personal and professional goals.

UC Davis Welcomes Back Google Cloud Hero Competition
Google partnership paves way for practitioner certification
Teaming up with the pros from Google to learn cloud computing and reach our Google Cloud Practitioner certification.

My MSBA Journey from Bangalore to San Francisco
“Opportunity to create relationships with client companies attracted me.”
MSBA student Animesh Danayak shares his journey to UC Davis and how the program has helped deepen his understanding of the field of analytics.